Collection: David Besteman


1. What do you do when you’re not making art? (Day job etc...).

I work regularly (day-job) at a warehouse right now. I enjoy movies of all kinds, especially in theaters. Watch a lot of documentaries and information shows. Also, I like to go discing and fishing. Enjoying the outdoors can be a great stress reliever for me.

2. Why do you make art?

I can't give you a definitive answer but I did grow up on a farm and was introduced to death early on. So the best answer I can give is, it allows me to have a sense of control I have lost at times in my life.

3. What inspires you?

Science, movies, theories, experimentation, creation for the sake of creation, and most importantly other artists. It depends on the kind of piece I'm working on. If I'm working on, say, an abstract, the inspiration can be a concept for the work. Like creating a work around the idea of expression. The number pie in a visual way. If I'm working on a realistic piece the inspiration can often just be the subjects themselves or a certain emotion through a subject. It truly depends on what I'm working on.

4. What/who are your influences?

History, influencers, critics, current events, but mostly other artists. Odd Nerdrum, Andrew Wyeth, Vincent Desiderio, Gregory Crewdson, Rembrandt, Rene Magritte, Francis Bacon, Greg Simkins, Wassily Kandinsky, Jackson Pollock, Jasper Johns, Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, etc.

5. If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be?
